Daily Prayer
Almighty God, Our loving Father, we thank you for this beautiful day. Help us this day to walk in Your light, act in Your strength, think in Your wisdom, speak in Your truth and live in Your love. Help us to realize that there is no wisdom without study, no achievement without work, no love without self-sacrifice, and no skill of body and mind without discipline. Dear Little Flower, pray for us and assist us in learning our lessons and being good children of God. Amen.
The Lord's Prayer
Our Father in Heaven, holy be Your name, Tour Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Do not bring to the test but deliver us from evil. Amen.
Prayer After Class
Almighty God, we thank you for all the graces you have showered upon us today. We are sorry for our failures and shortcomings. Help us to retain the knowledge which our teachers have imparted to us. Bless them for their patience and preserverance in teaching us today. Bless our school and those who are dear and near to us. Amen.
Lead Me Kindly Light
Lead me kindly light of God
I'm going to let it shine(2)
All the time let it shine.
Not to hide but to burn
I'm going to let it shine(2)
All the time let it shine.
Lead my teachers and my school
I'm going to let it shine(2)
All the time let it shine.
Lead my parents and my friends
I'm going to let it shine(2)
All the time let it shine.
Bind us Together Lord
Bind us together Lord
Bind us together with cords
That cannot be broken
Bind us together Lord(2)
Bind us together with love
There is only one God
There is only one King
There is only one body
That is why we sing.
We are Gathering Together
We are gathering together unto Him(2)
Unto Him shall the gathering of the people be
We are gathering together into Him
(Singing, Praising, Praying, Offering)
God's Love is So Wonderful
God's Love is so wonderful(3)
Oh Wonderful Love.
So high we can't get over it,
So deep we can't get under it,
So wide we can't get round it,
Oh Wonderful Love.
Like a Sun Flower
Like a sunflower, that follows every moment of the sun
So I turn towards you to follow you, my God.
In simplicity, charity I follow(2)
In simplicity, honesty I follow(2)
In simplicity, fidelity I follow(2)
Listen, let your heart keep seeking
Listen, to his constant speaking.
Listen, to his Spirit calling you,
Listen, to his inspiration,
Listen, to his invitation,
Listen, to his Spirit calling you.
He's in the sound of the thunder,
In the whisper of the breeze.
He's in the might of the whirlwind,
In the roaring of the seas.
He's in the laughter of children,
In the patter of the rain.
Hear Him in the cries of the suffering,
In their moaning and their pain.
Walking with the Lord
Walking with the Lord, we are walking in the morning
Life up your hearts for we're walking with God
Singing to the Lord we are singing in the sunshine
Life up you hearts for we're singing to God.
Hand in hand with everyone we are walking, walking
Black and white and brown together walking, walking
Singing new songs now, living new lives
Building new bridges walking distance miles well we are
Rain and Storm will not prevent us walking, walking
Faith and Hope and Love will send us walking, walking
Crossing all barriers, climbing all stiles
Breathing through fences walking distance miles well we are
We Shall Over Come
We shall over come(2)
We shall over come someday
Oh, deep in my heart
I do believe
We shall over come someday.
We'll walk hand in hand(2)
We'll walk hand in hand someday
Oh, deep in my heart
I do believe
We'll walk hand in hand someday.
We are not afraid(2)
We are not afraid today
Oh, deep in my heart
I do believe
We are not afraid today.
We shall live in peace(2)
We shall live in peace someday
Oh, deep in my heart
I do believe
We shall live in peace someday.
With You as my Guide
With you as my Guide, I'll not want:
You are my Shepherd, Lord, nothing shall I fear.
In pastures fresh and green,
You give my soul repose;
Near cool and restful waters,
My spirit you revive.
In vales of gloom and death,
No evil shall I dread,
Your strength and peaceful presence
Will be my comfort sure.
In Need of Liberation
The world stands in need of liberation, my Lord,
It still has to feel your power.
The blind and the deaf, the dumb and the maimed,
All need to feel your healing touch.
The world stands in need of liberation, my Lord,
It still has to learn to love.
There are those who have eyes but refuse to
see the inhumanity that's done.
There are those who have ears but refuse to
hear the cries of those in agony.
There are those who have mouths but refuse to
speak against injustice done to some.
There are those who have hands but refuse to
reach them out in love and charity.