''At a time when there is much spiritual darkness and social turmoil in our world especially in our motherland, authentic value based education should be a formative dimension of every school, not only in classes but in the whole institutional atmosphere and relationships among staff and students, guardians and parents.
I thank our beloved superiors, Rev. Sisters, Management Committee members, Parents, Well-wishers, Staff and Students for their valuable support, contribution and inspiration which pave the future of the Little Flowers of this institution.God bless you all !''
Message (This Year)
Message (This Year)
This year we come to you with the sweet message, "Together we can grow better and achieve more for all." I felt this is the message Little Flowerers want to give to a troubled nation. For the last couple of years and very specially a few months, we are witnessing a nation with leaders finding no way to move ahead. We feel that they have lost mutual trust and faith in one another that they have developed a habit of pulling the leg of one another at every occasion of national concern.A devoted citizen of once peaceful and the most loved nation is left to lament on the mere power politics being played with no concern to its family members. Unfortunately, our present generation is destined to experience violence, intolerance, narrow mindeness, hostility,aggression and lack of respect to human values.
This nation in a way is failed to set good examples of patriotism and great human values of love, respect and care to its young ones. As a natural consequence, we have its youth heading with disorientation and perplexity. Here comes the value of devoted Little Flowerers, past and present, who can liberate our society from the darkness of corruption, exploitation, egoism, communal hatred, political manipulation etc. and establishe brotherhood, harmony, mutual respect and value for human dignity which is the need of the hour of Nepal. Every effoot of ours is to achieve the noble aim. I am very grateful to our ever supportive parents and well wishers for their co-operation and guidance. I congratulate and thank all those who have contributed to its coming to light. Let there be Peace........ in this great nation, Nepal.
This nation in a way is failed to set good examples of patriotism and great human values of love, respect and care to its young ones. As a natural consequence, we have its youth heading with disorientation and perplexity. Here comes the value of devoted Little Flowerers, past and present, who can liberate our society from the darkness of corruption, exploitation, egoism, communal hatred, political manipulation etc. and establishe brotherhood, harmony, mutual respect and value for human dignity which is the need of the hour of Nepal. Every effoot of ours is to achieve the noble aim. I am very grateful to our ever supportive parents and well wishers for their co-operation and guidance. I congratulate and thank all those who have contributed to its coming to light. Let there be Peace........ in this great nation, Nepal.
Let this be our prayer........Let our efforts be the same.
Father Jojo Vadakkel CST
Little Flower School, Narayangarh
Address :
Little Flower Ashram P.B. No. 8Narayangarh, Chitwan Dist.Nepal
Telephone : 00977 56- 571666
Telephone : 00977 56- 571666
E-mail : lfsngtnp@gmail.com
Superior : Fr. Vadakkel JojoMember : Fr. Elavakunnel Cherian